Previous versions

This website has been a dump since Mar 9, 2022, with 3-4 previous version dedicated to my love for the style of Manba-gyaru. I started this site when I was 16 and have poured countless hours into it - but it never felt 'right' to me. I'm no master at code, so the site has always felt clunky, cluttered and random. You will need to open images in a new tab to see them properly ...

Version 1 - Kuroba's den

This was the original version of the site - It obviously is very empty now, since most of the graphics and content was lost/deleted over the years. You can see the basic shell of the site, when it was called "Kuroba's Den" or "クローバーデン" (Clover den).

Version 2 / 2.5 - East coast gal

This was the second version of the site, which was a major upgrade, with a scrollbox and side panels. It used to have a header and menu buttons at the top, and the name was changed to "East Coast Gal".

After a while, I kept the look of the site, but changed it to have a large box one the left side next to a main page, with cute menu buttons and an image marquee. This was probably the longest state of the site, and I took a long break from updating unfortunately.

Version 3 - Cocogal

This was the third version of the site, the state it was in until quite recently. In this version, I gave the website a huge revamp, changing the theme from blue to pink, with a completely different interface with a layout made by @Repth. I was very happy with this but it still felt 'incomplete', too empty and basic for my liking, and after a while I decided to change my site away from gyaru style and make something that felt more personal.

Version 4 - cocopie (Current!)

This is the current version of the site! Here's some progress pics:


